Seismic vulnerability and the loss of the traditional adobe buildings in Jojutla, Morelos, México, after the 2017 earthquake




earthen architecture, seismic vulnerability, adobe dwellings, building traditions, constructive alterations


Adobe dwellings are the most representative constructive typologies of the traditional architecture and local culture of Mexico. In the last decades, these systems have been abandoned and displaced by modern materials and techniques, a situation enhanced by the recent seismic events, especially the ones which struck the country in 2017. The city of Jojutla, in the State of Morelos, was one of the most affected by the 2017 Puebla earthquake, suffering several damages to the built heritage, highlighting the adobe dwellings in the historic centre. The following paper presents the research carried in the city of Jojutla regarding the seis- mic impact over the earthen constructions of the region after the 2017 earthquake. There was applied a research methodology which included techniques like geographic information systems, characterisation of the earthen construction materials in the laboratory, and the analysis and revision of the local building codes and risk management plans. There could be noticed several structural de- ciencies in the dwellings of the town, as well as wrong urban planning and risk management plans, contributing to increase the seismic vulnerability of the constructions. On the basis of pre- vious research and the results presented, it could be established that the lack of protection and exposition of the adobe dwellings, in combination with the oblivion of the traditional techniques and bad practices, caused the complete demise of this constructive culture in the studied region.    


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Author Biographies

Adrià Sánchez Calvillo, Universidad Michoacana San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Mexico

Professor at the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Ph.D. in Interinstitutional Program of Doctorate in Architecture (PIDA) in Morelia, Mexico. Technical architect and specialist in monument restoration. Teacher in the careers of architecture and interior design. Research in cultural heritage and seismic analysis in historical buildings and earthen architect.  

Elia Mercedes Alonso Guzmán, Universidad Michoacana San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Mexico

Doctor in civil engineering from UNAM (2002). Professor-Researcher, attached to the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the UMSNH. He has advised undergraduate, specialty, master's, and doctorate theses. He is a member of the National System of Researchers (SIN) Level I. He has been responsible for national and international scientific projects with topics related to design, synthesis, and characterization in innovation and restoration of construction materials as well as characterization and digital modeling of materials. He has published numerous indexed scientific articles as well as book chapters.

María del Carmen López Núñez, Universidad Michoacana San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Mexico

Doctor in Geography from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (2009). Professor-Researcher, attached to the Faculty of Architecture of the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo. He has published numerous indexed scientific articles as well as book chapters, and has supervised and advised undergraduate and master's theses.  


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How to Cite

Sánchez Calvillo, A., Alonso Guzmán, E. M., & López Núñez, M. del C. (2021). Seismic vulnerability and the loss of the traditional adobe buildings in Jojutla, Morelos, México, after the 2017 earthquake. Vivienda Y Comunidades Sustentables, (10), 9–29.

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