International Network for the Management of Community Cultural Projects to promote gender mainstreaming and equity in the neighborhood of Analco




participatory management, community project networks, transversality and gender equity, cultural heritage, historic neighborhoods


Throughout history in the city of Puebla, a problem of gender inequality has developed and worsened in the scientific, socio-cultural, political, economic and labor spheres. For this reason it is necessary to enhance the symbolic presence of women in the construction, design and planning of the city, which is to build more humane and livable cities.  In this way, this research will demonstrate the importance of a participatory process and articulation with national and international cultural managers, to build strategies for the protection, conservation and safeguarding of cultural heritage in historic cities, particularly for the benefit of the population of Barrio de Analco where women are integrated as a fundamental part in the process of transmission of knowledge, wisdom and identity of the area.  This process of articulation leads us to the possibility of developing operational strategies that, through expert advice guided by the new urbanization trends and the awareness of those involved, will improve the adverse situations of the most vulnerable social groups, from a perspective of inclusion and social equity. Therefore, it is necessary to create a strategic linkage through spaces for dissemination and dialogue that promote the creation of research networks for the Management of Community Cultural Projects that promote the exchange of knowledge and experiences that lead to the development of scientific products with a multidisciplinary vision.


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How to Cite

Ramirez Rosete, N. L. . (2023). International Network for the Management of Community Cultural Projects to promote gender mainstreaming and equity in the neighborhood of Analco. Vivienda Y Comunidades Sustentables, (13), 55–69.