Rainwater harvesting: types, components and background in arid zones of Mexico as a strategy of sustainable use of water





rainwater harvesting, arid and semiarid zone of Mexico , sustainability


 A descriptive investigation is developed on the subject of recruitment, types and components of rainwater. A history of work done at national and regional level is presented. The focus is given to arid and semi-arid zones of Mexico, specifically to  the  so-called  “Chihuahuan desert”,  once  the water resource in these becomes invaluable due to the little or no disposition of it, for which to identify and develop strategies  for  the recruitment and the use of this resource becomes fundamental for the development of the different activities and also impacts on the quality of life of the inhabitants.  It is concluded that there is still work to develop on the subject of rainwater collection and use in arid and semi-arid zones and that this is presented as a viable strategy for its implementation and use of the efficient use of this resource. This is the first of three articles; the following are the experimental results of the capture and quality of the water captured by means of these systems. A descriptive investigation is developed on the subject of recruitment, types, and components of rainwater.   


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Author Biographies

Sandra Jalife Acosta, Autonomous University of Coahuila, Mexico

Architect Graduated from the School of Architecture of Architecture, Torreón Unit with a research thesis in the area of ​​rainwater collection and use in arid areas.  

Jaime Andrés Quiroa Herrera, Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila, Mexico

Research professor at the School of Architecture, Torreón Unit of the Autonomous University of Coahuila. Architect from the Autonomous University of Chiapas, Mexico, he has a master's degree and doctorate in Environmental Engineering Sciences from the University of São Paulo, Brazil.

Jorge Villanueva Solis, Autonomous University of Coahuila, Mexico

Full-time professor at the Autonomous University of Coahuila attached to the architecture school of the Torreón unit; His research areas include the topics of climate change, resilience and land use planning. He is currently developing his line of research: Evaluation of Strategies and Simulation of Urban Scenarios in the face of Climate Change as part of the LGAC Urban Planning and Climate Change.  


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How to Cite

Jalife Acosta, S., Quiroa Herrera, J. A., & Villanueva Solis, J. (2018). Rainwater harvesting: types, components and background in arid zones of Mexico as a strategy of sustainable use of water. Vivienda Y Comunidades Sustentables, (3), 63–86. https://doi.org/10.32870/rvcs.v0i3.32